Work Is Continuing

Meeting of Orenburg universities’ Rectors. Открыть в новом окне [73 Kb]

The meeting of Orenburg Rectors Council was organized in Orenburg State University on the 26th of June where managers of largest universities and acting minister of education in Orenburg Region Vyacheslav Labuzov participated.

Vyacheslav Labuzov. Открыть в новом окне [67 Kb]
Vladimir Kovalevskiy. Открыть в новом окне [53 Kb]
Svetlana Aleshina, Vyacheslav Labuzov, Vladimir Kovalevskiy. Открыть в новом окне [75 Kb]

The report on Council’s activity for 2009–2014 and election of Rectors Council Chairman were on the agenda.

OSU Rector — Rectors Council Chairman of Orenburg Region Vladimir Kovalevskiy reported results of Council’s activity. He noted that colossal job had been made in five years. The system development of higher education in Orenburg Region, support of talented youth, social and educational work with students — were among the main areas. The regional project of students support enrolled at state universities with high points of Uniform State Examination in Mathematics and Physics "Intellectual Future of Orenburg Region" and Concept project of Orenburg Region higher education development became the important initiatives of Rectors Council.

The acting minister of education in Orenburg Region Vyacheslav Labuzov commended the results of Rectors Council and its Chairman Vladimir Kovalevskiy and suggested to re-elect Vladimir Kovalevskiy for the following term. The suggestion was supported unanimously.

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