OSU Physicists and Chemists Cooperate with Japanese Colleagues

Elena Stroganova, Vitaliy Berdinskiy, Takayuki Ebata, Sergey Letuta with OSU symbol tree (mountain ash). Открыть в новом окне [303 Kb]

The scientists of OSU Physics Faculty as well as Faculty for Chemistry and Biology have participated in the 13th International Symposium in the field of Information and Biological Chemistry and in the 8th Japanese-Russian Seminar “Chemical Physics of Molecules and Poly-Functional Materials”.

OSU scientists in Hiroshima University (Japan). Открыть в новом окне [130 Kb]
Vitaliy Berdinskiy, Head of OSU Department for Biophysics and Condensed-Matter Physics. Открыть в новом окне [135 Kb]
OSU scientists in Hiroshima University (Japan). Открыть в новом окне [132 Kb]

Vitaliy Berdinskiy — Head of OSU Department for Biophysics and Condensed-Matter Physics, Sergey Letuta — Director of OSU Institute for Micro and Nano Technologies, and Elena Stroganova — Senior Lecturer of Chemistry Department presented the scientific papers in Japan.

The meetings with employees of High School for Sciences (Hiroshima University) were held in the frames of this visit, organized by the Japanese coordinator of cooperation between two universities — OSU Honorary Professor Takayuki Ebata. The questions of the further cooperation development between scientific teams of the universities were discussed. It is planned to conduct the next Russian-Japanese conference in OSU (2018) and to prepare the joint application for Japanese government award in the field of scientific research, internships and short-term trainings of OSU students at Hiroshima University in March 2017. Not only physicists and chemists, but also philologists, mathematicians, geologists and engineers may participate. Such project will improve academic mobility of students and lecturers, increasing participants’ number in Summer School of Hiroshima University, in short-term students’ exchange, as well as professors’ visits to Partner Universities.

Moreover Japanese experts were interested in possibility to study radio-ecological and biological situation in those parts of Orenburg Region where underground nuclear explosions were executed.

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