100,000 rubles to develp kids’ entrepreneurial skills

 Anastasiya Mishurova in “The Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma” forum. ïÔËÒÙÔØ × ÎÏ×ÏÍ ÏËÎÅ [150 Kb]

Anastasiya Mishurova, a 4-year students from the faculty of Finances and Economics became one of the 20šwinners of the All-Russia youth projects contest held during the 3d session of “The Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma”.

She got 100,000 rubles grant to carry out a social project “A single note from everyone”. With her associates the student plans to develop musical, labour and entrepreneurial skills in 12–17 teens who live in the boarding school in the Holy Trinity Cloister of Mercy Simeion and low-income families in Saraktash. The events will happen in the St.šSergey Radonezhskiy Orthodox School.

Anastasia developed a program for 80škids who within 28šhours will learn the history of some ethnical music instruments, practice to make and play them and even sell on a fair.

Winners of the 3d session of “The Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma” forum
“The Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma” forum

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