Japanese language courses with a new teacher

Haruka Kagata. Открыть в новом окне [117 Kb]

Haruka Kagata, a new teacher of Japanese, arrived at Orenburg State University.

She will teach language courses at the OSU Japanese Information Center where university and high school students and working youth of Orenburg study Japanese.

Haruka Kagata, who is the fifth professor from the Japan-Russia Youth Exchange Center, was born in Tottori and studied Russian at the University of Foreign Languages in Kobe for four years.

Japanese language courses started on September 2. On the day before the new Japanese teacher talked to her students and now is ready to fulfill their wishes: to use the manga and Japanese comics so popular in Russia. Her calligraphy, origami and tea ceremony skills will also be in demand.

Haruka Kagata and Liudmila Dokashenko, director of the OSU Japanese Information Center. Открыть в новом окне [167 Kb]
A new teacher of Japanese. Открыть в новом окне [155 Kb]
A new teacher of Japanese. Открыть в новом окне [149 Kb]
A new teacher of Japanese. Открыть в новом окне [178 Kb]

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